Saturday, February 2, 2019

Moments of Silence

January 24, 2019 7:45 a.m.

Sometimes its nice to just sit here. To sit in silence, looking around.  The room is quite, all that is heard in the background are the odd sounds from what I'm thinking are some of the appliances and the light above me. 

Outside my 4 walls of this room are sounds of life, cars on the freeway, people outside walking by with their dogs.  My coffee maker makes a noise briefly.  But its silence in my and around me, no voices, no T.V., just me and my thoughts.

I'm looking for something profound to come to me to reflect on or to write about but nothing comes.  I just sit here looking around me, at whats around me, on the walls, outside the window without saying a word.  There is a picture of my dad on the wall, and a metal cross on the other wall.

I'm not thinking of anything in particular but the feeling of calm and taking a moment to just be is enough, almost feels refreshing.  I take a deep breath in and release it and I feel like I've regrouped and ready to start a new day.

A new day outside of this silent room, these 4 walls to go outside into the noise of the day, my work day and whatever else it finds me in or around me. 

I'm ready for my day.
Deep breath in
Deep breath out.

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