Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Beautiful People

My Thirty One Gals!

Enjoying iced coffee and a muffin with friends :)

Catalog Party!

Honoring a Veteran

A Peachy Day

When I think of a peach, I could take it or leave it.   It might be nice and ripe and ready to eat or a little hard needing to sit in a brown paper bag to ripen or it could be over ripen and yucky, mushy and ready to throw out.

My neighbors fresh peaches on her kitchen counter.
I think you could say that various points of my day yesterday I felt like a peach....I know that sounds odd but life is odd and sometimes it helps to look at things in odd anyways I'm thankful for my day because God placed once again the right people in my path during the perfect moment needed.

There were moments I felt bruised and emotional.  Other times overwhelmed and ready to call it a day! (thrown out because of being over ripe)  Then God was able to show me times of being a little too hard and needing a little time to ripen after spending time with a friend who knew just what to say.

The last moment of the day was a perfect peach.  A friend being there for me, a walk around the park was the best way to end my day.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Brother & Sister

Kyle & Karlee ready to go school shopping
 I love it when my these two spend time together.  Karlee really does have a way with talking to her brother.  She knows what to say and what not too, and how far to push and when to back off.  (I could actually learn something from her when it comes to communicating with him)

Kyle has always looked to his older sister for many things over the years...understanding, protection emotionally, fun and laughter, and most of all for her opinion in what to wear.  He has to have her with him to go shopping.  I just hung in the background and let them work things out and then I made the decision of what to keep or not keep depending on amount it would all total up to.

It was nice shopping with them.  I pray that they will always have  a closeness and bond for each other and be there when they need each other.  Thank you Lord for giving me the honor to be their mother.
Kyle depends on Karlee for her input on new clothing

I was in a funk yesterday and this is what caught my attention.

God uses many things to get us out of our funks when we are feeling down.....he used my children :)

Even Though

Even though the weekend was full of fun, laughter, smiles, good music and yummy food there were a few down points in it.  That is called life, right?

The one thing that was great about having our friend Linda with us on Saturday was the conversations.  Our conversations were interesting, funny at times, but truth was spoken in them too and revelation that was good to discover.  Micah hasn't been going to church.  He would always use work as an excuse....he really had been working a lot, but it's not just work.  He mentioned bitterness, that he is struggling with not being right with God and dealing with bitterness that he can't go to church.  I had a feeling it was something like that but to hear him say it was a big deal and has given me some insight and understanding.  All I can really do and continue to do is to pray and keep giving it over to the Lord.  He will work in Micah's heart, he will help him through his struggles internally and bring him to a place of peace so that he can open himself to God again and build a stronger relationship with Him.


My brother Jason and I over the years have gotten really lazy and bad about not calling each other and talking.  I really don't understand it but we won't try to figure it out right now.  I had a conversation with my mom last weekend and she had mentioned some concern for my brother and that she feared he had started drinking again.

Sunday, morning I checked what time it would be there in New Bedford MA and decided to call him. (he is three hours ahead of me)  I could tell he was very surprised and pleased that I had called.  Soon into our conversation I was fighting back the tears that wanted to break way while my heart felt like it collapsed for a moment.

He had started back drinking and he had been drinking for a long time now and he was miserable with himself and where he is at in his life.

Regret, hurt, bitterness, unsatisfied,resentment
Lord, help my brother find peace, and help me support him from a distance in the way you guide me.


Micah-I'm dealing with bitterness I can't sit in church.  My heart isn't right."
That sums up why Micah hasn't been to church in over a year.  It helps give me a little insight and understanding.  Once again I turn it all over to the Lord.

God surrounds all that goes on in a moment, a day....a weekend.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015


Why are there some days that I let something bother me more than normal?  Why do I feel so overwhelmed?   Why am I in a funk?

I walked into Jane's house and tried not to show my mood but she asked and I shared. She was in a funk too and didn't get much sleep.  On her way out the door she suggested that I look up a song that would be up funky and upbeat that would be our go to song to help us get out of our funks when life seems to get us down.

I really went straight to it! :)  That is how bad I don't want to be in this mood, life is too short to get bogged down and the reality is that we can't do it all.  We were not meant too!

Shortly after she had been gone she sent me a text message and said maybe it should be the "wobble song', with that I couldn't help but smile real big and laugh a little.  I could only think of how silly Jane had danced once to that song at a women's retreat one funny!

So I'm not sure what song we will pick but in the meantime I know we are both going to make the most out of our day, looking for the blessings, joys, and moments to be thankful.  Its wonderful to have someone that understands and that can help you lean on Christ.....together trusting and leaning on Him.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Moments with Karlee

Karlee woke up wanting to go browse around and listen to the Wicked Tinkers down at the park, during the 2nd and last day of the Celtic Festival before she had to go to work.

So we did.....

lol check out my pants!  I wasn't sure I could pull of the style or colors but I wore them and I loved them!  So comfortable and fun!  (they are those loose type pants with an elastic gathered at the bottom...some call them Tai pants)

There really isn't much more to say, since a picture tells all.....I enjoy one on one time with my oldest daughter and cherish our moments.

Monday, July 20, 2015

Best Day Bliss!

There are a few days out of each year that Micah & I have a really good day!  Not saying that the days are bad just there a few that make the "exception to the rule" :)

Yesterday was that day!  The last two years we have gone to the Celtic Festival.  Last year my mom and Larry were here to go.  A friend of my joined us yesterday, I'm so happy she joined us.  She enhanced the conversation and laughter throughout the afternoon.

Its a day that Micah looks forward to, a chance to relax and yes have a few good beers and know that all we have to do is walk home.  I look forward to it because I enjoy spending time with him.....shhh don't tell him I told you but I know he likes spending time with me too......he just doesn't verbalize it.

Just the same it was a great day, music, food, some beer, more music.....etc.  I love the variety of music we hear.  My maiden name is Scottish (Byers).  Micah's last name is English, and Linda's maiden name is German.  That was fun to discover.

We left when it was over, it was a perfect day!  The threat of rain was throughout the day but it waiting until the end to start raining.  We timed getting home without getting too wet, shortly after we got home the down pour began and went on most the night.

Micah went upstairs and said he was going to take a nap.  I went downstairs to the couch to watch a few shows on Netflix.  I headed up to bed around 10:00 pm and Micah was getting up from his nap.  Some nap.....

He stayed up for a little bit on his iphone and then settled in for the night too.

walking down to the park

My hubby & I
A great friend of ours joined us! :)

Our favorite!
Good Conversation

Friday, July 17, 2015

A Different Day

Scrappy & Bosco
Started out my morning on the couch with my two babies, drinking my coffee and thinking about how the day might go.  For starters I didn't have to work today, so I had to keep telling myself that it was Friday and not Saturday.  Both my girls were home most of the day :) that was real nice and I enjoyed them being home.
I really love the color yellow in flowers
 I'm really pleased to know that I don't have to totally ruin my flowers because God has a much bigger "green thumb" than I do.  So happy to see that these flowers really aren't dead!
Relaxing on my balcony, listening to a brief practice of bagpipes for tomorrow's Celtic Festival
 It was such a nice day.  I'm so thankful for it.  It wasn't rushed, or crazy or over tiring or tense.  It was perfect!  A little laughter, smiles and silliness!  I love my girls!  They were getting along so well.  It was nice to be home with my girls.  Kyle had texted me during the day to say "hi" and to see if he could buy something online for his
Grilling chicken for dinner
 I felt like grilling tonight, I haven't been much in the mood or motivated to cook lately.
sample of Jamberry.....
So I had a few samples of Jamberry nails.  Karlee did them for me :)  Okay so this set on my toes are a little different.  Karlee says they are ugly...but actually I don't think they are too fact I think they will perfect for tomorrow, at the Celtic Festival....I do have a little Irish in me :)

Thought the greatness of the day was over.....Micah went to walk the dogs and says that there was a package outside.  I said really I wasn't expecting anything on Monday!  I was excited!  But I soon realized that it was still Friday and that I was expecting this Just the same I really like seeing a package with pink on it!  :)

This is my Bold and Bloom cube!  It's going to go under my bathroom sink to organize things under there!

Okay so now it's time to call it a day and relax some with my husband and then go to sleepy town. 

God works in the moment

Yesterday early evening I was standing in the check out line at Sams Club and received a text message from my  neighbor.  She asked if I had dinner plans for tonight.  I said no.  She wanted to cook fajitas and wanted to cook for more than just herself.

Micah, Sara and I went next door to join our friend for dinner.  It was a good dinner and it was nice to visit with her, she had been out of town recently.  Micah's shoulder was hurting and causing a headache but he relaxed some and enjoyed the time over there too.

At 10:00 pm Karlee sends me a message telling me her plans have changed and she is coming home.  The last few days down at the park, they have been setting up for the Celtic Festival.  She parks at the park and walks up to the house most nights.  Our renter downstairs has been gone and her parking spot has been available.  I thought for the next couple of days we could let Karlee park there and I would park in the garage.  Micah got really irritated about moving his truck, I know he was tired but where else was Karlee going to park and what was the big deal.

He moved the truck, drove out really fast and left.  I parked the van and wondered where he went.  He came back after a few minutes.  He went around the block.  I was irritated now, confused and feeling hurt.  My daughter lives here too, there are moments I feel like he wants her out of the house.  As he marched and huffed upstairs I shouted behind him and said a few things.  He didn't reply back.

I waited downstairs with Sara for Karlee to walk in the door.  Sara has missed her sister. Its summer time, and she is seventeen so none of us really have seen Karlee much.  I hung out with girls for a few minutes, catching up on things with each of them.  In the back of my mind I was wondering how things were going to be between Micah and I when I went back into our room.

It amazes me how nice and relaxing things were at dinner and then to go into a moment of disaster....okay maybe not disaster just frustration.  I went upstairs and it was like nothing had happened.  I was actually able to keep my mouth shut and  not push the issue and talk to him like normal.  I got ready for bed and that was it.

I don't understand my husband most of the time but God allows our difference to happen and then he helps us to move through it.  God keeps peace in this house despite how things are or should be.  God keeps me strong to still be thankful for Micah and express that to my daughters whose reactions are not at their best.

So thankful that God works in ever moment of my life....

Monday, July 13, 2015

I have Him, but

I have Him, but is it alright to want more of him?

I stand in the door, leaning on the frame inside watching my dog in the yard run out and go potty.  I enjoyed the moment of the darkening sky turning to evening, with a coolness felt in the air.  I was tired and ready to relax.

As I leaned there lingering in the doorway I had a brief moment of longing.  I drifted into a dreamy state, envisioning my husband coming up from behind me, encircling his arms around me, leaning down, nuzzling his face next to mine and just pausing in time like that for a moment, then before parting he leaned in to whisper I love in my ear.  The moment of warmth and love.

Instead I shook my head back and forth like an etch a sketch and hurried at erasing that moment quickly clearing it for a change, a clean blank view of the reality of the moment.

The reality is that I have my Heavenly Father's arms encircled around me, holding me close while I feel a craving for what only He can work in and only He can fulfill my desire if it's His Will but in the mean time, knowing and trusting and leaning on Him...He is the one that is there with me and for me.

I have to be honest as busy as I stay and happy in the moment, and seeking joy in this crazy world with my family, I do long for the things that I don't have.....I do not stay there long, the Lord always lifts me back up to keep moving forward.

Sunday, July 12, 2015

God Knows Best

I really have to remind myself that God knows whats best for me.  He plans my day how it will bring glory to him and how I can be used in another's life.

This morning I shared about finally going back to church after many Sundays of missing and my husband's comment motivated me.

Well I went and there was someone I hadn't seen a long time.  She and I always had could let the conversation flow so easily.  I was saddened to hear of her broken marriage and the struggles is dealing with and the emotions that come with it.  On some level I could relate and understand the emotions that were running through.

Many of us try to take life and all it brings to us on our own and leaning a little on the the end of our conversation I strongly urged her to call me whenever she wanted to talk that I would be there to listen.  Also urging her seek out others for help, no matter the need....reminding her how there are others that can and will come around her for daily needs.

Lord I pray for peace and contentment and joy and direction....really the list goes on and know the needs here Lord.  Help me know how to pray for her and use me in her life somehow Lord if its your will.  And Lord as you know she has son, and he needs a Godly male influence in his life.  I pray that you have someone in mind that you will let into his life when the time is right.


The other conversation the Lord directed me into was with a friend that had just gone on the camping trip with my daughter, Karlee.  It was an honest conversation that needed to be said and heard.  I pray that my friend who would like to be used in Karlee's life will be able to speak into her life with the Lord's help and the personailty and trials of this person that can be used in my daughter's life.  Lord help this to happen and let their be opportunity for them to get together.  Its in your hands Lord.

Lord, thank you for always knowing best!


A Sunday Morning Smile

I was about ready to walk out the door to go care for Jane's parents.  My husband, Micah asked me if I was going to church.  I laughed and said well that is the plan but....I don't know.  He said " You should go, its not all about you honey, there may someone there this morning that needs your cheerful encouragement."  Then he gave me a big tight, close hug.  I told "okay well you put it that way then I guess I need to go"  I couldn't help but walk out of our front door with a huge smile of sweet surprise from ear to ear with a warm feeling in my heart.

I was thrilled!  He complimented me and recognized how I try to encourage others....

I love the Lord!  I love how he throw in those ever needed heart warming, happy smiling moments when we least expect them!!

Friday, July 10, 2015

Duck pond & Cheerios

To start my week off this week, I went to Jane's to help with her parents and she wanted to take them to the duck pond.  It was such a nice morning too, with a little cool breeze in the air.  We enjoyed a little stroll around and took in the breathtaking view before us and chatted with the ducks and geese as we saw them.  I always enjoy when I go and I get irritated with myself wondering why I don't go more often.  Always feeling at peace and renewed after leaving.  I know its just a matter of setting my mind to it and making it happen.  If I can make time to do my crafts and choose not to clean the house or just do bare minimum then I can make an outing to this beautiful area right where I live at least once a week!

On this same day of this God Glorious view I ate a bowl of Cheerios.  I know no big deal right?  Well I haven't eaten a bowl of cereal  in a long time, normally I like Frosted Mini Wheat and I've never much cared for Cheerios.  But I was hungry and it sound good for some odd reason.  It was great!  I just bought a new box....

All this to say ......that as much as we think we are slowing down in our busy days to stop "and smell the roses" or enjoy each moment I think we really are not doing as well as we lease that is how I feel. I'm thankful that I had a bowl of Honey Nut Cheerios and that I got out and enjoyed a nice walk and view around the duck pond area in the neighborhood I live close by to.

Its the little things that take up the most space...

Thankful for such a beautiful area to go walk around that isn't far from my house.
It's easy to dwell on how you feel and what isn't getting done and a little harder but well worth the energy and time to really focus on what you have and how you have been blessed.

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Fireworks or Not? The 4th of July

There may have not been fireworks but....I sent my tired husband off to work with his lunch in hand, and a smile.  I had the energy and motivation to clean some of the house and organize my desk area.

I had a few hours shopping with my oldest daughter, Karlee.  I was nice to spend some time with her talking and laughing together.

I took a few moments to snap-chat with my youngest, Sara.  It made me happy to see and hear that she had a good, fun day with her friend in Prescott.

I enjoyed the smell of the rain.  I sat and watched out the window for a few moments.

I browsed on Facebook to see how others were enjoying their day with their families and friends.  Happy to see their smiles.

And then there was this....

a very long line of care returning from the firework I sat in my room, on my very comfy bed with one of my dogs up close as he could get to my leg (didn't like the noises from the fireworks or the thunder) and my husband beside me in our room relaxing and watching Netflix.

There may not have been picnics, friends, family gathered in one spot, parade, or fireworks but there was peace, comfort, and love; and I'm okay with that.

When you find contentment in each moment and not reflect on the "what ifs" or dream up what "could be" then you will find the most happiest rewarding moments open up in your heart that are more lasting, that you would find hard to explain but wonderful to experience.

Thank you Lord for this lesson in my life over and over it is needed to be learned and remembered.