Friday, October 20, 2017

Football, Fall & Photos

This is a cute picture of my girls.  They set a timer on their phone and took it on Thursday together.

Friday night football!

My handsome son, Kyle
Saturday we drove up to Aspen Corner to start the first round of taking his senior pictures.  
We took a ton, now its just a matter of deciding which one to turn in to the yearbook.

The weekend was spent enjoying time with my kids.  I was truly blessed and very happy.

Scary start to a great weekend

This past weekend started off crazy!  Friday morning was Sara's follow up appointment with the GI doctor.  We have decided to have an endoscopy done, we have to wait until we are contacted to schedule it.  It will have to be done in Phoenix so we will miss a day of work and a day of school but I think we need to continue to figure out why she feels the way she does or rule things out so we can help her feel better.

While I was leaving there with Sara to head back home (they were out of school for a short Fall break) I received a text message from my boss saying not to come in yet until he lets me know that the internet is back up and running again.   In the meantime I got a phone call from Karlee, she was very upset and crying and having a hard time breathing.  She was having a panic attack.  She was at work, and asked me to come get her.  I grabbed Kyle so that he could drive her car back to our place so that it wasn't sitting all day at the Dillards parking lot.

Karlee was upset from whatever happened yesterday, it had her very freaked out and concerned.  I was concerned too, the more I knew about what went on between what Sara said and what Karlee was saying, I couldn't help but want to know what happened or what is going on.  I texted my boss and told that something came up with Karlee and I would not make it to work today.

Karlee and Sara the day before, on Thursday had drove up to the Snowbowl to take some Fall pictures and spend some sister time together.  Prior to her driving up there, she started experience strange physical things that started with a headache, she thought maybe a migraine was coming on (she had only had one that she knew of in her life) but it was the type of headache that hurt a ton and she started to not see on the right side.  Long story short everything she ended up describing sounds like symptoms of a stroke.  Yes I know it sounds crazy but you couldn't help but wonder, it was scary.

I picked Karlee up from Dillards and we headed to urgent care, I really didn't know what to do or where to go since it happened the day before.  I wanted to talk to someone for some guidance, tell me what to do lol.  We were told that the best thing to do since it was Friday and most doctors and even urgent care do not have a ton of equipment to do any of the exams that would need to be done to rule anything major out, he suggested to go to the ER.  It did sound neurological and could be serious but maybe not, since she was alright today, but to have a peace of mind it was best to go to the ER.

We headed to the ER.  We knew we wanted answers so that we could move from this moment.  We sat there most of the day.  Finally she was seen by a doctor, a very nice doctor who took time to evaluate what was going on.  He said that she was going to be alright and that there would not be a need for any major tests.  We were relived to hear that but still wanted to understand what had happened.

He asked a ton of questions about her headaches in the past.  While listening I began to think about mine and how they fit into a lot of the questions.  Then I knew that we had a history more than I realized and things began to fall in place.


Karlee had a migraine with aura.  Those are ugly  migraines that can have "stroke" like symptoms. Crazy!!!  Who knew!

Since she doesn't seem to have a bunch of headaches often she was given a prescription for a medicine that she would use as needed and to take as soon as her head hurt.

We got through Friday during the day and then got ready for football at night!  Karlee went with us and I enjoyed her being there so much.  After a long emotional day I cherished our down time in the cold night air at the high school football game.

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

I'm deeply sorry

My last post was on October 10th, last Tuesday.  It was brought to my attention that my post was not something I should have shared on my blog publicly. I have re-read it and I agree.  I appreciate being held accountable for my actions.  Its never easy but the right and God honoring thing is the right and best thing to do.

Sometime my emotions get the best of me and the wrong path is taken.  That is what happened last week. In the last post I mentioned names and conversation that was at a place of business, my job. The post was influenced by my own thoughts and emotions that do not accurately express the true situation that I had written about.

I wanted to express how deeply sorry I am for falling in a bad place to post such things as I did.  I have deleted the post.  I also have made things right with the people mentioned in the post.  I went to them in person and apologized to each of them and asked for their forgiveness.

I also want to say I'm sorry to who ever read the post.  I showed a flawed side of me and I'm truly sorry.  For my readers that have been with me on my journey with this blog you know that the intention of this blog is to share how the things, people, situations, family and daily little things have helped me to grow more in my walk with Jesus and to have a closer relationship with Him also to let others know that they are not alone.  Even in this situation I have learned and grown, despite the negative and ugly way that it came about.  That just shows how imperfect we all, I'm not different.  I have my faults and side that can be not very nice at times.  I am a humbled child of God that seeks to grow closer to Him.

The job that I had was a blessing and place of growth and healing for me.  I am truly grateful.

Please forgive me.

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

New Adventure!

I have been feeling very grateful these days.  God is so good and He really does know our desires.  I need to continue to lean and listen while I walk to my next adventure, I have a few small concerns but I'm trusting in Him.  He has blessed my family as we have struggled since I became a single mom again and He continues to bless us each day.

I recently interviewed for a job that a dear friend of mine told me about.  She set the ground work by expressing to a person there how much this job would be a good fit for me.  It was through her believing in me that lead to this opportunity.

I went through two interviews.  The moment after the second on I released it to the Lord and didn't think much of it again for a few days.  It would come to my mind at times but not long, I was really trying to rest in God knowing that He knows what I desire and what I need.  I did wonder at one point if I should start looking online and get a few resumes out.  I had this feeling that said no, just wait to hear back from this other and then go from there, so I did.  I didn't really look, I glanced briefly at what was out there but that was it.

I started to feel better about the opportunity and what it has to offer, the perks for me and the little wonder if it would be enough but I instantly took it to the Lord and told myself to trust in the journey in whatever that might start to look like.

Yesterday morning not long into the start of my day at work, my phone rang and I knew the number, it showed the person's name that I've been talking to.  It rang and I instantly picked up my phone and went to the back area of the office.  I was offered the job!  So excited I instantly accepted it!

I was at work but I texted a few people quickly to share the news, all were very happy.  My mom being mom of course was full of questions, I told her what I knew but I also resting in that God has this all figured out, its my job to trust and follow what He puts in front of me.  I will continue to work hard at budgeting, and cutting costs but in the end God has the plan and things will work out.  They might be a little hard but I feel so good about this job and opportunity that I believe things will balance out in all areas of it.

I sent an email to my boss giving my two weeks' notice and typed up and signed a note and put it in his box.

The Lord is my strength!  He is my rock!

Monday, October 9, 2017

Orange Slices, Alabama & Pizza!

Yesterday was the mark on the calendar that reminded me that my daddy has been gone for 2 years.  During the week prior to yesterday there were moments I struggled with flashbacks from the moments of him being in the hospital until his last breath.  They didn't get me bogged down but they were there and then they'd pass into the day as I went on with it.

Yesterday I decided to stay a little busy so that I would be able to reflect just a enough that I would be able to get things done and enjoy moments that brought a smile to my face.  I spent the first part of the day cleaning and straightening up around my home and then I went out and about to run some errands.

It was at that point when I was out running errands by myself that I took a few moments to drift into the past.  While driving in the car I picked some Alabama to listen to, "Mountain Music".  When I was at Marshals browsing around I saw a bag of orange slices.  I stood looking at them for a moment and smiled.  Daddy loved those candied orange slices as much as I did.   He would buy them for me in a big tub occasionally.  I placed the bag of orange slices in my basket.

I went home and opened the bag of orange slices and immediately popped one of in my mouth! I closed my eyes for a moment, enjoying the sweet taste in my mouth and the sweet, happy memory in my mind.

To end the day Kyle, Sara and I met Karlee after she got off of work for pizza.  It was so nice to sit together as a family enjoying pizza in honor of their papa.  I especially enjoyed that we were all together.

Thursday, October 5, 2017

Big Events Big Emotions

This week has been full of ups and downs on a daily basis with each of us just living our lives each day with being who we are right where God has each of us.  It matters big or small the things that happen in our days, but at the end of the day I hope you know as I know there is a place to go.  A place that may not change a situation, or it may give answers, or it just may be with you but its a place of grace, peach and comfort and that is at the feet of our Heavenly Father.

On the home front for me this week, I got down with not feeling good with a cold.  I stayed home for a day and rested.  While I was home it was a time to rest, heal and reflect.  I'm not quite over my cold, I'm feeling better but I'm stronger in the sense that all of my concerns lately that have found their way back into my mind have been released to the Lord and I wait and trust in Him.

This week a dear sweet friend of mine, more like a second mother to me has lost her husband.

My ex-husband, Micah has lost his grandfather, who was 19 days shy of his 101st birthday.

My mother had a little scare with the possibility of having breast cancer.  She had a biopsy but thankful it came back alright.

My kids grandfather in Texas isn't doing well, we will all be surprised if he makes it into the next new year.

On the bigger scale of things.....a tragic heartbreaking shooting took place in Las Vegas and many lives were lost and many are suffering.

With all this I'm so thankful that I can reach out to the Lord and know that He is there, He isn't blind or turning away from all that goes on around each of us or in this world.  He is there.  He will bring glory even out of the most tragic heart breaking things that happen.

I've asked the Lord to use me, use in ways that will bring him glory and that will help shine in another's life.  My heart goes out to the hurting and the grieving and my prayers are there for all the ones suffering on the small home fronts of life to the big world out there.

Lord bless the hurting and show each of us your shining light of hope even in the mix of hurting, the mix of our ups and downs, the mix of our cries of grief.  Help us to seek the joy and the blessings in the middle of it all, allowing us to find the strength in you to always be thankful with each day that we have in this world with.....yes all that isn't happy that goes on in the background.  You are here!

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Homecoming 2017

Last week was super busy with the kids things at school with homecoming week.  Both Sara and Kyle dressed up for a different theme each day.  There was a parade at school and then an awesome football game on Friday.  It was fun seeing the kids get involved in their school spirit.  I couldn't help but wrapped up in it in my mind with thinking of my past in high school.  I teased Sara and said that I wanted to go to school with her and follower her around and enjoy the events too.  She thought that was an odd idea.  I had so much fun in high school.  I had an awesome group of friends and we did everything together!  For the most part if I had to pick a time to go back to I'd probably pick high school.  But I'm not in high school anymore and I get to enjoy it through my kids.  Kyle was voted as Homecoming King!  So cool!

Kyle and Jesse

Kyle & his group of friends

Sara and her group of friends for Homecoming

I'd say that Homecoming was a success this year!  Sara is having fun experiencing new things and people as a Freshman in high school, my baby in high school......oh my!

And Kyle seems to living it up for his Senior year, making great and fun memories in the process!