Thursday, July 17, 2014

He is..

He is my strength
He is my guidence
He is my hope
He is my joy
He is my rock!

Thank you Lord for being more than I could ever be.  Thank you for placing the right people, situations, circumstances and things in my life when you know its the perfect time.  Thank you for never being too far away, always close, always listening.

Thank you for once again renewing hope in an area of my life that has brought me heart ache.  I know the steps forward are tiny and few but they were with you and that is all that matters.  I continue to walk with you and I will not give up.

Thank you Lord for being loving, and mighty!

Monday, July 14, 2014

Love is War

This song really hits home of where I'm at and what I feel.  I can't help but close my eyes while I listen to it.

What do I want?

That is a huge broad question!  What do I want right now....what do I want to eat for dinner...etc.  I could say how I want to feel loved by my husband, to be cherished, to have a close bond.  I want a tension free relationship with my step-son.  I want for my oldest daughter to...I want to....

But all in all I just want to know God, feel his strength when I need it.  Be at peace in this hectic life.  I want a close relationship with my heavenly father that loves me for me.....all of me.  He cherishes me.  He holds me when I need to be held.  He whispers words of encouragment to me through His Book.  He gives me hope in all things that I desire in this world.

He makes it possible for me to keep walking forward and towards Him.  All I want is Him. Its easy to fall short of this desire...but when I can't get back up the Lord is there to lift me up and carry me to the next moment....the next day.

What I want is my heart, soul to desire the true One.  I want this at any cost.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

4th of July

Micah & enjoyed the Art Walk downtown

where should we go next?

it rained but we still enjoyed ourselves

Saturday-Mustang Car Show (Micah, Kyle, Sara & I)

car show

Karlee enjoyed her week in San Diego at camp!  I also enjoyed picking her up on Sunday evening from the church to whisper in her ear that she got a job!  Rue 21 her first job!

wishing I was there last week.....beautiful :)

I am not but He is

I am weak.  God is not
God is strong.  I am not

At times I do not walk. I'am carried by His grace.

God found me when I was lost.

God is joy.  God is Hope.  God is peace.

I do not do  this life on my own.  God helps me.
I have a plan.  God's plan is better.

God is good.

I am not unloved.  He loves me.
He holds me dear and close when others can not.

I am not in control.  God is.

I am weak.  I am not strong.

God is strong!

A Visual of Happenings!

Lovin' on my Sara Bear

Karlee ready to walk out the door to a job interview at Rue 21

Sisters!  Daughters!  Love them so much

One heck of a big cabbage!  Made coleslaw what to do

On my way out the door to the last day of VBS last week.

Karlee & I at VBS!  My girl 

An amazing lady!  She is awesome!  She loves children and  has been a super great Children's Ministry Coordinator....Hate to see her leave but she will be embarking on an even bigger adventure in Poland!

My handsome Kyle!  I love his smile

Stood outside in the church yard with a few friends gazing at this pretty sunset....a perfect way to end the day