Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Insights from A Praying Life (1)

I want to share some of the things that stuck out in the book that I highlighted.  (A Praying Life by Paul E. Miller) They got me to think, ponder and reflect.  I hope you will have a similar response.

Through having a praying life you don't experience God; but you will get to know him.

A praying life isn't something that you can accomplish in a year and say okay I did it!  It is a journey of a lifetime.

Learning to pray doesn't offer you a less busy life; it offers you a less busy heart.

Come overwhelmed with life, come with a wandering mind.  Come messy
(we have to take our God mask know the one.  the one that on the outside says everything is fine when really on the inside you are falling apart.)  You have to be the real you.

ask like a child
children ask for everything and anything and they ask repeatedly.  over and over again
they say what is on their minds without really thinking about it first

(sermon on the mount:  Ask and it will be given to you)

believe like a child
children are confident in their parents love and power.  They instinctively trust and believe their parents.  Their parent loves, and protects them and wants good for them.
By learning to pray like a child you learn to dream again.  To learn how to pray is to enter the world of a child, where all things are possible.  Childlike faith drives persistence.

If you know that you, like Jesus, can't do life on your own, then prayer makes complete sense.

God wants us to come to him empty-handed, weary and heavy -laden.

You don't need self-discipline to pray continuously, you just need to be poor in spirit.
teach me, help me

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