Monday, March 29, 2010

New ideas to new beginnings

The title is a bit odd, I know. I'm feeling a little scattered. I have so much in my head that I want to get it all out but just can't. For one thing its hard to focus on just one thought when I look around and then get another thought. There are things around the house I should be doing right now too. The kids are due home soon from school soon.

Mainly I've been thinking about my writing and my last blog. I had a site called Silverwing butterfly, I had the website set up for several long months before I actually posted my first post in March of last year. I struggled with doing a blog at all but decided that it didn't matter what others thought because all I knew is that I loved to write and I had a place to write and share. That blog has been closed now since February. As you can see I've started this one that you are reading. Its not quite the way I want it yet, I'm still learning and playing with all the fun stuff that I can do on it.

My last blog was designed to share and help people out there know that things happen but good comes from it all. So I focused on the negative trials of my life mostly. I have recently posted some of my writings from my last blog but they are on the more upbeat lighter side of life. So the title of this entry really has to do with me re-thinking my writing and posting on my new blog. My new blog has taken on a different angle that I hadn't intentionally planned. In fact I'm so excited about getting started that its made it difficult to get started so today is the day with this new blog to start with new ideas to new beginnings. So I hope you will bare with my ramblings and enjoy getting to know things about me and my thoughts and live, laugh and love with me!

Not sure why I"m making this so difficult, I have kept a written journal on and off since I was twelve. Oh well here I go!

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