Thursday, February 9, 2012

Insights from A Praying Life (2)

It didn't take me long to realize that I did my best parenting by prayer.  I began to speak less to the kids and more to God.  It was actually quite relaxing.
This really got my attention.  I had to look at myself and admit that often I try to control the outcome or the change that I want to come from my child.  I want to be able to say don't do this or that and let it be heard and then be done.  Well that hasn't worked so far and all I end up doing is getting upset and feeling awful after wards and at times it causes so much tension in the house.  I have worked on the "speaking softly" and "walking away to re-group" but I still hold on to that frustration at times and then it leads into the next moment that someone doesn't do something I wanted.

So.....with all that said that little blurt really hit me hard and made sense.  Bells started to ring in acknowledgment of what I need to be doing.....speaking less to the child and more to God.  I need to pray about the changes that I would like to see and giving it to God to control and work on the details than me.

A praying spirit transforms how we look at people.

A praying life isn't simply a morning prayer time; it is about slipping into prayer at odd hours of the day, not because we are disciplined but because we are in touch with our won poverty of spirits, realizing that we can't even walk through a mall or neighborhood without the help of the Spirit of Jesus.

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