Wednesday, February 8, 2012


I've always known that praying was a way to talk to God, to have a conversation with Him.  I don't feel comfortable praying out loud.  I pray out loud when I'm by myself.  I pray silently while lying in bed, while walking the dogs, on a walk, waiting for the kids, just various times of the day.

I've always felt like I didn't know how to pray.  I wanted to get my words just right to express myself in the right way.  I know that the power of pray is powerful.  I have seen others have prayers answered and I have also experienced my answered prayers too.

There have been times I have wanted to pray but felt like I couldn't, or didn't know how or wasn't good at praying.  I have made pray sometimes the hardest thing to do instead of the simplest.  There were times in my life that it seemed I only prayed when something big was going on in my life.  Over the last couple of years I have found pray to a comfort and it has brought me peace and strength to keep moving forward in this crazy life and this world.  But I have also felt like that was just the tip of the ice berg and that there is more and I wanted to develop a cloeser bond with my Lord and Savoir through pray.

I have always believed in pray but I don't think I ever really understood it or knew what it was to really pray until I read an amazing, refreshing, book.  Praying is more than just praying, its like a whole new way of life.  A life with Christ in an intimate way that makes life here in this world brighter until we stand with our Lord.  There are many ways to feel connected to God.  Some worship through music, writing, reading His Word but another way is through praying.

I read this book recently that has really changed things for me regarding praying.  It's called A Praying Life by Paul E. Miller (connecting with God in a distracting world)  I picked it up at my church on the reading table and I'm so happy that God lead me to pick it and bring it into my life.

Changes have taken place in the way I think about myself, and others.  Changes have taken place in my heart and I look forward to praying with God.  Its a conversation worth looking forward to no matter what is on my mind and in my heart.  The things I've prayed for lately are in my mind and some haven't been answered yet but I find that I don't have that "heavy feeling" with the things I have asked help with because I have given them to God and can be at peace knowing that he will unfold the next part of my story when its His time.  The moment I fall into my all human habit of worry, frustration, sadness or heaviness I simply pray again.

1 comment:

  1. I'm a lot like you. . . don't like praying out loud. Or felt like my prayers weren't good enough. I prayed a lot while deployed but I think reading that book will help me.
