Saturday, February 2, 2019

Cherish the Journey

January 23rd 2019 at 7:30 a.m.

I sit here at my table looking around me.  Things are a little cluttered and messy.  I have a stack of boxes that I've been bringing home from work to use to start packing up my things in this apartment.  I have a pile of papers and my bible and a journal on the table.  Above the double door that leads out
to a little patio where I've enjoyed sitting out on when its warm are two little pictures I have hanging above.  One says "Cherish the journey", the other "embrace the moment", in between them are the words "Live", and "Laugh" (missing the work Love, anyways) I can't help but take a moment to think of those words "cherish the journey" as I think about the last two years of living on my own as a single woman, single parent.  Its been a long journey with lots of ups and downs, disappointments but a lot of life in the mix with laughter, joy, togetherness and love too.

I want to embrace how I feel right now and reflect for a moment of where I was two years ago to where I am now.  Now I will soon begin a new journey.  Moving out of this safe small apartment to the unknown of 4 walls shared a little further out of town with my boyfriend and his mom.  Sara, my daughter and I are going on the this journey together.

I'm excited about the new start with Ben in my life.  His mother is such a good sweet person with a huge heart just like her son.  I can't help but feel happy.  I've seen the change in my life just having them both in it.  I see how my kids have taken to Ben, each having their own relationship with him.  I know my kids are happy for me because they have seen, and know how much Ben cares for me and our family.

I'm a little concerned that things will be different and might change some with Ben and I under the same roof all the time but I think that will just help us to know, learn and grow closer in our relationship.

This whole journey of having Ben in my life and my kids over this past year and half has been so wonderful, an example of a normal relationship. 

I will embrace and cherish the journey that got me to this point in my life because its apart of me and is part of my story.  I will not forget the journey of hurt, depression and healing over the past two years prior to now because it made me stronger.  It helped grow my relationship with the Lord.  It taught me and prepared me for the next journey. 

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