So Last week the divorce papers were filed, on Tuesday July 26th. In 60 days we will get our official copies in after a judge signs off on them and then we will be divorced.
I took my Insurance test on Friday and failed it. Yes I didn't pass it......I was disappointed but I slowly got over it and was happy that I took it and got it over with. I did get a print out that shows how many questions in each section were asked and how many I got right and wrong. So it shows the areas I know well and the others that I need to study on more.
Summer is coming to a end for the kids. Tomorrow I register Sara for the 8th grade and on then on Wednesday Kyle for the 11th grade. First day of school is next Thursday! Its crazy how fast summer goes for these kids.
Something to look forward mom is coming next Thursday! I'm taking next Friday the 12th off to enjoy a long weekend with her and Larry before they head to spend time with my grandmother in Phoenix. They will bring me some things from my dad's house.
The new catalog for Thirty One Gifts started today! I'm newly motivated and inspired to get things going again and really work on networking and growing my contacts and business.
I went to church on Sunday. I went to check out the church that my boss and his family go to. It was nice but I'm not sure its a fit. I struggled with going but I went and happy I did, hopefully that was the step I needed to get over the hump and will go check out another church on this coming Sunday.
This post is a short, quick catch up one. I haven't been sleeping good lately and I'm so tired and drained that its taking all my energy to type and not go to sleep right now and its still early in the evening....
I think I'm emotionally tired and its catching up with me and my body. I really don't want to think of anything or have to focus on much. I do keep moving forward everyday in Christ's strength.