Friday, August 19, 2016

What we do for a smile

Have you every stopped to think about all the things you do a day to put a smile on someones face? The feeling that what you did may help in the moment when that person wants to frown.....

I hate to iron, always have. I have never understood how some can think its so relaxing and can stand there and watch T.V. to iron.  Its stressful I think lol!  Making sure you have the iron on the right setting, trying not to burn your yourself.  Trying not to have other bump into the board and knock down the iron.  Making sure you get the right crease in where it was originally.

Yes the look of a crisp iron shirt or dress pants looks great but the work that goes into it to have it just get wrinkled again soon after you iron after you sit down just one time.  I figure its gonna get wrinkled and show lines why bother.....and I'm all for throwing a damp wash cloth with the item needing ironed into the dryer on high heat to let it tumble in there and get the big wrinkles out!  Good enough for me!

But when your son comes down with his dressy pants on and his dress long sleeve shirt and asks "How does this look mom" thats when you realize you need to go get an ironing board and and iron and iron his outfit so he can look awesome on dress day for football.

You also realize that his dad used to iron his clothes and get them ready for him the night before......(sad face)

I told Kyle I liked how he looked and that there were not too many wrinkles.  He said okay thanks, this will have to do.  Then he stopped before continuing up the stairs with his head down and says, "Dad use to get my cloths ready for me the night before and iron them".  I sat there for a few minutes, then I got up and went up to his room and opened the door.  He was sitting on his bed doing his homework.  I said "would it help if I went and bought and ironing board and iron and tried to iron your cloths for football next time?"  Without looking up, and a tiny little smile on his face he simply said "yes".  I told him that your dad was always better at that than me but that I would try.  I told him I loved him and left the room.

This weekend I will go buy an iron and ironing board......

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