Tuesday, July 17, 2012

In the meantime

Being in the "meantime" is the hardest thing to do.  But that is where I'm at, I'm waiting for God's timing.  There are things around me that I can't have different in my time.

It's amazing how God will direct our conversations when He knows its really needed.  I'm so thankful for the group of ladies I sat with at the table this morning at bible study.  There was a variety of ladies at different ages and different stages in their lives but in the end we all are joined together at some point on walks with Christ.  Its that community, the feeling of not being alone, of "being in the same boat" that really helps in so many ways. 

The speaker this morning closed by asking a question that was suppose to be discussed at the tables.  But God has another plan for our table, and we all listened as some of us shared, we brought Kleenex to the table.  Some of us shed some tears, some offered encouragement, and insight. At the end of our time together we prayed.  I had never had anyone come lay hands on me to pray and I must say it was the most powerful thing I've experienced.  If you haven't figured it out by now I was one of the ones that had let a few tears loose. 

In the meantime I'm leaning on God......

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