Friday, July 13, 2012

Frustration Wrap Up

After I left the church after meeting with my friend I headed straight to my husband.  I interrupted him and asked him if I could have 10 minutes of his time.  He was a little bothered but thats only because he wanted me to get to the point but soon he soften and had patience with me. 

I thought I had things all together and ready to unload on him but I found it hard to start off and I began with a cracked voice and tears filling up in my eyes ready to leak out.  I told him that I was sorry and that I felt like I had pushed him before leaving for work to react and pressured him to react in the way he thought I wanted.  I told him I was sorry for being frustrated lately and that I shouldn't be irritated with him when he is calm and collective.  That I should be thankful for how he is during heated moments, it balances things out and helps things not get totally out of control.  I asked for his forgiveness.

Then I dumped everything on him about my new perspective on the current situation with Dillon and how we couldn't get the "big guns" out on him and kick him out of the house over piercing his ears.  That we had to pick our battles and define our battles over our moral values.  To hold strong on the big issues like stealing and lying......

I let him get back to work and I was finally going to re-start my day.  I went home ready to figure out where I had to go and what all needed to be done.  At this point I felt so tired mentally and emotional but in a good way knowing that God was right there guiding our next steps.

On the way back from dropping off my Karlee to babysit, I treated Sara and I to a .50 vanilla cone at Little America.  I know ice cream doesn't change things like God can but it sure can bring happiness to daughters face and fill our tummy with a yummy treat.

On the way to taking Sara to the doctor (she hasn't been feeling well, a sore throat) my oldest daughter decided to make my face shine with a huge smile.  She bought us Star Bucks with some of her babysitting money.

Its the little moments along with the thankfulness and blessings of the Lord that can bring us out of frustration.  Thank you Lord for placing the right people, the right words, the right little moments in my path to help me continue my dependence on you Lord.

In my quite time this is what came to me:

Do not lose heart
Pray offers a chance to regroup our thinking, and to revive our heart

I found these verses:

2 Cor 4:1-6
Overcome by thinking about God's grace and mercy that we have received and it will encourage you to freely share it with others.

2 Cor 4:16
look beyond this current situation learn to be "far sighted" look at not what is seen but what is unseen

Eph 3:13
be rooted and grounded in love to be filled with fullness of God

Rejoice in what we have in and through Christ and that will encourage us
look beyond the temporary
God is aware
develop a firm and confident trust in God

"God will help overcome-too much to do for us to be sitting on the plains of frustration while a lost and dying world around us perishes" Brian V. Sullivan

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