Friday, April 20, 2012

Sara my little sunshine

This morning I went down to  Sara's school to help with their jog-a-thon.  It was a perfect day for it, absolutely beautiful.  I helped mark the kids cards on their backs as they by.  It was fun watching them run around.  Everyone started off with a huge burst of energy and excitement as they ran around the first few laps then slowly you could see some of them loose the thrill of it and slow down, walk or look like they had enough but everyone kept running and running.

Sara filled up the front of her card.  She ran 30 laps.

After they ran themselves tired they were given otter pops to cool them down and enjoy.

Then all the third graders and their teachers and some parents headed to the park to have lunch and play.  I sat on the bench and enjoyed the warm sunshine while I watched kids scatter all over the play ground.  I also took pictures of Sara playing with her friends.

I found Sara upside down several times....silly girl

She had me smiling and laughing constantly as I watched her play

 Watching Sara interact with her friends was so much fun.  Sara is so full of energy and happiness as she plays with her friends.  I loved her silliness, I found myself wishing I had her energy.  I know I had it when I was young too but it doesn't seem to last as I've gotten older and being a mom.

I love my Sara Bear!
My little sunshine!

I'm so glad I decided to spend half the day at the park with Sara.  It was perfect way to end the week and start the weekend.  Tomorrow is Opening Day for Softball!

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