Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Day 2 of Ian's Visit

Now its Monday and Ian and his family are still here.  The kids are at school so its just Micah & I and Ian and his family.  We started our day with Micah & Ian running a few errands together that Micah needed to get done.  Cathy, Jesse, Lee and I went down to the park.  Jesse is so sweet he took a hold of my hand and we were off.  He asked me to push him on the swing, I said I would but I wouldn't be wild like Kyle and go under the swing.  He was a little disappointed but got over it.  He did ask for Kyle several times, not understanding that he was at school.  Cathy and I had a chance to chat and get to know each other some.  Jesse enjoyed the play ground, and Lee enjoyed the warm sunshine on his little happy face.

Time we lunch.  Cathy use to live some where around the area (I don't remember where) and would frequent Flagstaff quite often.  It had been years since she'd be here and noticed how much it all has changed but she remembered one place that she wanted to go to lunch.  We went to the Beaver Street Brewery.  It was a neat place, I had never been and the food was quite yummy for our tummies :)

After lunch Cathy went to put the boys down for a nap at the hotel (they stayed at Little America) and Micah and Ian went for a short dirt bike ride.  It was great to see them together, they aren't very close.  Ian's only two years older than Micah but distance hasn't made it easy for them to be close.  They are so much a alike, they really can't say that they aren't brothers.  

Shortly after the kids got out of school we headed to Little America to go hang out at the pool, visit some more and enjoy pizza.  It was a nice relaxing evening.

Cathy talking to Micah
It was wonderful watching Karlee with the baby.  She is going to be a good mommy (many years from now)

Kyle was so sweet with baby Lee

silly girl

I love this speaks more than what I can say about it :)

its amazing how  a little one can bring everyone together
happy baby sees his mommy

sweet boy

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