Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Easter Afternoon

This year we enjoyed visiting with my husband's brother and his family.  They are from Cincinnati Ohio and they have two boys, 4 year old Jesse and 5 month old Lee.  We hadn't seen Ian and Cathy for two years so it was nice to see them again.  They came in the afternoon and we enjoyed the rest of the day together.  I had fixed a yummy roast, potatoes, carrots, green bean casserole, rolls, and salad.  For dessert there was cherry pie, apple pie, vanilla ice cream.

Little Jesse wasn't shy at all, he found his way around very quickly with Dillon and Kyle and kept quite busy.  Karlee and Sara were where ever the baby was. My kids were excited to have cousins, step cousins but who is really getting technical anyway.  I love it that they were such good cousins to their little cousins.  The whole visit was wonderful.


The girls and Lee

got my baby fix

Proud Daddy and baby

Dillon & Jesse

two blondies in red shirts

watching Aladin
Micah (the little brother) & Ian (the big brother)
Kyle had so much fun with Jesse.  He took such good are of him.  Someone walking by us at the park noticed and said what a good job big brother was doing with little brother.  (we just smiled and kept walking without correcting)  I really did love watching Kyle interact with Jesse.  So sweet.

Kyle use to tell me that he wished Sara had been a boy....oh well (he's a good big brother to her)

Kyle said that we should have a baby and it should be a boy.  Well unless God decides we need a miracle then he can make that happen but I sort of took care of things so.... 

Uncle Ian & Sara with baby

what a cutie!

Dogs at the park
little girls at the park :)
That covers of Easter this year.  We were so blessed with a wonderful visit with family, thank you Lord.

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