Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Easter 2012

Easter morning before church I took a few moments to take pictures of the kids and I.  Micah was already at church since the choir was going to be singing at both services.  Dillon had slept over at a friend's house and wasn't home yet.  So I asked my kids to do me a favor...take a picture with me.  The girls jumped up quickly with excitement and said alright, while Kyle dragged along and said okay.  He doesn't like pictures, its always been difficult getting him to take any.  I remember once when he was two, I had to look around in my purse to give him something to hold and it was Tic Tacs.  He sat there very nicely with his Tic Tacs in his hand.  We joke about it but it doesn't have the same effect on him as it did back then.  I take the moments that "he allows" and snap away quickly.  Well after the first two pictures he had enough and went in the house.  Oh well I got what I could and the expression he made were interesting.  For some reason he wanted to do his hair "spiky"....gotta love them!

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