Friday, April 6, 2012

I'm not so sure

High-Tech Electronics have entered into my house and I'm not so sure about any of it!

Several months ago Dillon was given an iPod touch 3 from a friend.  He has had it taken away a couple of times for getting online and looking at things he shouldn't be.  We recently gave it back to him with conditions (plus we have a parental safe thing on it now too) and so far he has been good with it.

Kyle was given an iPod touch 4 by a friend whose mom just bought him and iPhone.  His friend decided that he no longer needed the iPod touch and chose to give it away.  (I personally would have tried selling in on Craigslist)

Its crazy both boys were given these expensive electronic things....its like a throw away thing.  Parents get these kids around here something "better" and now what they have is no good and its time to get rid of it.  Crazy!

Micah and I have had many conversations about how we didn't want these things in the house and that the kids should earn them, and that they would appreciate things more etc....   Well they had a funny way of sneaking into the house.  It doesn't help none when my husband wanted an I pad 3 and ordered himself one.  He bought me a kindle fire.  I wasn't too sure about it but I really like and have enjoyed it.  He has been enjoying his I pad.

Sara, I'm so proud of her, she had been saving her Christmas money and birthday money for so long trying to decide what she wanted to spend it on.  She had decided long before Kyle got his iPod and during the time Dillon had his taken away that she wanted an iPod touch.  Two of her friends had gotten one for Christmas.  Micah had found a good deal on a used one online on eBay.   Sara is proud of herself that she bought it herself.

Karlee doesn't have one.  At first she thought she would save for a Kindle Fire like mine but now I think she wants an iPod touch also.  Karlee is having a hard time with it all but I share my Kindle with her and that helps for now.  She finds it harder to save since she is always doing things with her friends, shopping, movies, skating etc.  She has been earning her own money with babysitting at the church but things have slowed down now.

My fear is that we all will distance ourselves from each other.  But so far everyone has been good about it and we have a rule of no electronics after 8 p.m. during the school week.

As much as we tried to avoid it, it is what it is and we are working thru it and doing the best we can to control what we can for our children.   I don't know really what else to do...

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