Thursday, April 5, 2012

All in my head

Lately has been a little frustrating.  I've started so many blog posts in my head and then I don't get them written then another comes to mind and each day keeps going.  I don't really know where to start.  I think this post won't be anything deep, just sort of an update on the things that have me going in all directions lately.  I guess I will pick up from after spring break.  I have to go look at my calender first to jog my memory......

OH that's right the quick Spring Winter Storm of 2012.  Yep to end spring break we ended it with snow!  I know snow after the beautiful week we had but this is Flagstaff AZ.

I went outside bare footed at midnight and took pictures from my front door and each balcony.

Moving on from the storm, it came in quickly and melted away quickly then we were back to beautiful spring like weather.  Dillon got a fever and wasn't feeling well and turns out that he had a bladder infection.  Its odd for boys to get them so they did some testing to make sure there wasn't any serious causes.  There wasn't it was just his luck to get one.  He's better now.

Kyle had his follow up check up with his back on March 23rd and was very bummed out walking out of the office.  He has a stress fracture in his lower back, probably from skate boarding.  The bad news is that the only way to heal is to do nothing but rest and do no physically activities of any sort.  Guess what is starting now and he can't do for 4  He's really struggling with not doing anything and has a bunch of energy that gets built up....I'm not sure I will survive him during this time.

Sara had a tooth pulled and was so cute in her little school play called Geology Rocks.

She was a sedimentary rock

Well that gets you current, I think.  Upcoming for the weekend we are having company come into town.  Micah's brother and family will be visiting us on Sunday thru Tuesday.  He has a two boys a 4 years old and a baby (not a year yet).  We are looking forward to their visit.

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