Thursday, December 1, 2011

My Grandmother's House

It's been six days since my grandmother has left Flagstaff.  She headed to El Paso Tx with my mom and step-dad.  After 31 years of living here in Flagstaff AZ she has started a new chapter in her life.  My grandpa Melo died Dec. 27, 2009 and my grandmother has been  a little lonely without him.  I think its great that she will be with my mom but I will miss going over to her house to visit with her on Tuesdays after ladies bible study.

My family and I when I was young would visit Flagstaff.  I remember walking down town and browsing at all the shops, driving up to the snow bowl without any snow on the ground.  I remember hearing stories of how much snow they would get during the winter months.  I never thought my children and I would live here in Flagstaff and have the opportunity to be around my grandmother often.

My grandmother's house is behind the Furniture Barn.  As a young girl I would get so excited to see the Furniture Barn because I knew we were close to arriving at her house after such a long drive.  My brother and I would walk to the park that is close by to play.  Sometimes we walked to Dairy Queen for a treat.

My grandmother's house is small but it was always full of so much life.  Family and friends going in and out.  I haven't driven by the house since she left but if I ever end up in the area my heart will be warm with wonderful memories that existed in that little house.

my grandmother always had flowers planted

down the street you could see the trains go by, as I kid I loved hearing them go by (I still do)

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