Today was a MOPS morning. (Mother's of Pre-schoolers) On the way there this morning my mind was heavy so I wasn't really in my happy cheerful mood as normal. My outlook on the morning got worse at first when I was informed that we would be combining two classes and that the project involved paint. I immediately thought negative thoughts....oh no too many kids running around, being patient to paint with them, will we have enough help.....dread dread is all that I focused on. I even told a worker that I didn't have enough patience to sit with them and try to do the project that I would just take them to wash their hands.
It bothered me the way I was thinking but I continued taking each child to wash their hands. Within a few minutes the room was filling up with children. I started to stress a little but went with the flow of things. Then a 3rd worker walked into the room and eventually a 4th one. Before too long I noticed how smoothly it was all going. The children were all busy playing so calmly and nicely together. The painting was going well and each worker pitched in where needed and it all was well. I thanked the Lord for things running so smoothly and said I was sorry for walking in with a funky down mood in the beginning.
I enjoyed coloring with some of the girls. I opened boxes of toys for some. I helped some wash their hands. I helped finish their projects so they could take them home. I read them a story. I watched their little faces while they watched a Veggie Tale movie. I watched how they interacted with each other.
There was two year old in the room, she was the youngest but she was a delight. She was my little shadow. I loved it. I was smiling inside. She sat on my lap and watched the movie.
I also noticed how much the children were so excited that it was snowing. Several of them went over to the window and climbed up on some of the stacked chairs to kneel and put their little hands on the cold window with their little faces peering out the window watching in great fascination the big white fluffy snow flakes falling down on the ground, covering everything in a white blanket. It was a simple joy that brought so much life to their little faces.
They weren't worried about driving in it and getting home safely. They weren't concerned about how much snow we would get and how the snow would inconvenience their lives. They were simply excited that it was there and that meant they could play in it.
By the end of the morning I was excited to look out the window and knew I would get home safely and not to worry. I left feeling much lighter in my thoughts than when I started my morning. All I needed were little faces with a simple reminder of God's perspective.
Thank you so much for a wonderful MOPS morning.
Samantha was so excited about her painting!! She keeps asking if she can paint some more. She is my little artist :) She is also very thrilled about the snow and is very happy to go and play in it.