Thursday, December 1, 2011

Sad Endings but New Beginnings

Before my grandmother left for El Paso she went to visit someone.  It was hard for her to do.  She lost this someone almost two years ago.  My mom and I went with her to the cemetery.  I watched her as she stood on top of his grave in silence as she chocked back her tears.  Her life in Flagstaff was ending but she would be starting a new beginning in El Paso with my mom.

I began to walk around and look at the other sites around me.  Close by there was a huge dried up rose bouquet, it was beautiful.  It was then I started to think about other people that had left sad endings behind as they said good-bye to their loved one before they walked away in a new beginning.

Both my grandpa's are buried in that cemetery.  My mom's dad, Jack Davis died when I was twelve.  My mom's step-dad Melo Sanchez died almost two years ago.  I didn't know my Pa very well but I remember playing with his hair.  I'd run my hand on the top of his head because it felt funny against my hand.  It was a short buzz cut.  My grandpa Melo was a delight to know.  He was so funny at times.  He was very thoughtful and giving. 

I couldn't help but take pictures of the moment that my grandmother was taking with her husband and the dried up bouquet of roses close by.  I think it was my way of preserving things and a reminder of how things end and begin again.

Its so comforting to know how God can take the "old" person of each of us and create a "new" person in us.  And that no matter where we are at on our journey in life He is there with us every step of the way.

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