Friday, April 22, 2022

Still not working

 Well here it is almost the end of April and I sit at my table unemployed without unemployment benefits which makes it really tough this time around.  There has been a dry spell without any interviews until recently. I had one on Monday and yesterday (Thursday), I hope to hear back from one or both of them middle of next week.  I can see myself working at either place so its a matter of which one offers me first and the most money for the most part.  One is an eye care place and the other is a financial wealth place like I worked at before.  The waiting is the hardest part but that is what it is so I will wait and see what happens.

I've been staying with doing things around the house, painting, spending time with my family.  There are days that its harder than others to stay positive and not get sucked into my own little pitty party but I manage.

Last weekend we went to Phoenix to celebrate my grandmother's 92nd birthday!

It was a sweet and fun time! I enjoyed being around my grandmother, she has not lost her spunk!  Karlee was out of town visiting her half sister, we missed her but she had seen grandmother a few months back.

We enjoyed the weekend and then Ben, Kyle and I headed back to Flagstaff, back to reality. Next month is going to be so busy! Mothers Day, my birthday, Sara's graduation, and her moving out oh and in between all that a family BBQ to celebrate it all!  I'm looking forward to the next month of fun, moments and memories!

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