Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Sara 15 years old

Last Friday, Dec 8th was her birthday.  She is now 15!  My baby is 15!
We all went out to Texas Roadhouse to celebrate.

Karlee came over afterward so that we could decorate our Christmas tree.  The girls will not do it unless its all three of us together.

Friday night was a nice family night spent together.
Saturday was centered around Sara and her friends that she had over to celebrate her birthday.  In between of taking them to Dutch Bros, the movies, I managed to do a few things around the apartment and wrap some gifts.  I took her and her friends to the movies, that was fun.

I think Sara had a great weekend turning 15.
I enjoyed it.
I love the beautiful young woman she is going into, she is so much fun and very thoughtful and loving.

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