Monday, June 12, 2017

Perspective, Friends & Smiles

A couple of weekends ago I went to visit some new friends at the Hullaballoo event at the park.  They had a booth set up  and were working their business.  Its Thrive Le-vel, I will tell you more about it soon in another post  But the purpose of this post is important.   

This is Dezi

This is Shannon

It was fun hanging out with the, they made me laugh and it was nice to get out and do something, much better than staying home and cleaning.

It's been after being with them that I gained some insight that hit me upside the head hard!  I've been hiding....I have let me circumstances, my past two years, my stress, negative things take over!  

The next day (Sunday) Karlee and I were out and about and I started a conversation with her that I had no idea would be as interesting as it ended up being.   I started off by telling her that after being around cheerful people over the weekend that I realized I used to be that way too.  That even despite what was going on in my life I found a way to be cheerful and hopeful and share with others and smiles through it all.  I asked her if I have changed and I don't her that I thought I had and didn't like what I was realizing.

She said yes mom, I even think you have been depressed this whole time.  You use to be more positive.  Mom I blame Micah for doing this do you, you tried so hard to be what you thought he wanted you to be that you lost yourself, for that I really hate him.

These last two years have been rough and I have pulled back from people and have found a comfortable area around me that I guess has kept me sort of hidden and out of the loop so to speak.

Well no more!!!!

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