Tuesday, June 6, 2017

A little melt down

Yesterday was Monday, it wasn't a bad Monday.  At work it went really calm, the phones were non-stop but I was busy all day.  At the end of the day I prepared myself to keep the go go feeling so that I could get through a few more of hours of being busy before I knew I could just sit and relax.  I needed to go home right after work, pick up Sara and Kyle and head to an urgent care clinic so that we could get their sports physicals done so they could start their summer sport practice today (Tuesday).  We couldn't do it for only $10.00 on this past Saturday because Kyle was at work and Sara was camping.  It would have saved money since it was $25.00 a piece at this other....oh well its done and they are ready to start on time.

So we get done with that and its going on 6:00 or so and I decided that we'd pick something up for dinner instead of me cooking.  Well no one....no one could get on the same page with the choices that were being thrown out there!  I was getting highly frustrated by this point.  I was trying to do something nice and I felt like it just wasn't working out.  Finally after going to one place that everyone would be happy with, the location we went to was closed!  That was it!  I was done!  I decided that we would just go home and do whatever from leftovers.

I was still a little irritated from trying to have a simple conversation with my son.  Its like pulling teeth to get any information from him.  Then when he does talk its not all I need to know and then he says he already told me.  Well if he did in the detail I needed I wouldn't be asking again!  Anyways I admit I may have caused a little friction since I did have him in the car where he couldn't just walk away from me but seriously I needed to talk to him about things with work and football and helping with picking up Sara from volleyball.

Driving home I get a little upset and a few tears rolled down my face.    Almost home and Sara says mom if its alright still about dinner Karlee says that she will go pick it up (same place for Mexican food, but the location we always go to).  I pulled in and parked and sighed really big and said whatever and fine.  Kyle said he didn't want anything that he was going over to Matts.

I walk into the house and toss my purse on the table in the living room and know a few books off of the table.  Karlee just stood there watching not sure what was going on,  I sat on the couch and shouted that I wish I had a room that I could go into and just close the door.  (knowing that I don't since my room is the open living room/my bedroom)  Karlee said mom its okay we all decided on Mexican food and I will go get it.  I didn't say anything and handed her some money and out the door the girls went.

As soon as the door closed I felt like I could just take a deep breathe and let it out, I sat and cried a little.  I guess I needed a good cry because I was fine after that, the rest of the evening went on.  The girls and I ate dinner together at the table and then they went to their room to watch Netflix together and then I decided to get online and do some things that needed to get done and then I was in bed by 10pm. (Kyle stayed at Matt's)

I guess I felt overwhelmed and flustered and just needed a release of tension so a little melt down was in order....

But today is a new day, let's see what it will bring.  I'm headed out the door to work....

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