Sunday, October 23, 2016

Friday Night Fright

Sara took a video of them walking Kyle off the field.

Sara and I drove to Cottonwood after I got off from work to go watch Kyle play football.  It was a nice drive there.  The school was easy to find so I was happy.  Kyle didn't play until the end of the 1st quarter but every time he got out there to play, he played hard and did his job of defense.

But then the next thing you know there is a pile of boys all piled up on top of one another and know that your son is in that pile.  I watched intently as each boy got up, I looked at all the numbers and then I got this sinking feeling and I leaned over to Sara and asked her  "Do you see him, I don't see him."  By now everyone was up except for one young man, he was holding his leg and sort of rocking back and forth on the was Kyle, my boy!  Well now I'm well on the edge of the bleachers and watching and waiting, by now the people around me knew he was my son and they were watching and waiting with me.  They finally got him up and took two people to sort of lift and carry him off the field, favoring his right leg and not bearing weight on it.

I can not even begin to find the words to describe how I was really feeling, I think if you are a parent you'd understand best.  I felt helpless just sitting there watching and waiting.  They put a sack of ice on his leg, it was half time now and everyone was going into the locker room, but he sat waiting for the little cart to pick him up and take him.  It was the longest half time for me, just waiting and wondering......I did text his dad and let him know what was going on.

Finally half time was over and out comes the team.  He was brought back on the cart but then with the help of others he sort of walked over to the bench to watch the game.  I could see him point me out to the guy who had tended to him and I walked down to meet him at the fence to get a report.  There had been three injuries and the parents of the hurt ones all lined up waiting for our injury report on our boys.

I was told right away it wasn't his knee, thank goodness and no broken bones.  Its a little hard to describe but on the side of his knee and upper calf area his muscles were hurt.  By the end of the game he was moving around on it a lot better but it hurt a ton.

By the end of the game I was a little anxious to get to him and see him for myself and talk to him so I could really know from him that he was alright.  

Sara and walked up to where the boys locker room was so we could wait for him to come out.  He finally did and I was a happy momma again :)

Gosh that feeling was not a fun feeling but its a feeling that all parents will experience at one point in their life.  I'm good for a while.....

We got back to Flagstaff around 11:30, took him to his car at the school, he drove home and we all went to bed.

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