Monday, October 24, 2016

A Delicate Spot

My family seems to be in a delicate spot right now.  My dad has been gone a year now and so its been a year of change, adjusting, dealing with this or that, making decisions, thinking and grieving.  Each of us, my mom, brother and I are at different stages and its been hard in different ways.  Now we have reached the 1 year mark, and things are coming to a close with things.  I wonder if its a little harder now that things are coming to an end than when all this first started.  I had a conversation with my brother shortly after that I sat in my journal to God.

October 23, 2016
Dear Lord, I think in my family we have reached a delicate point of being done moving forward and still healing and grieving with my dad being gone.
There is bitterness that is popping up and taking root.  Lord please help us.  Please do't allow any of us to try to take a hold of any of those roots popping up.  Its not wise and will tear apart our family.  
Be our strength an dour wisdom and the one we all lean on to let this phase pass on without it taking root in our hearts.  Help us all to work the things we each need to and to move forward with love and support for each other.  I pray these things in your name, Amen

I started to text my mom first to see how she doing, my impression from my brother was that things were rough and so I didn't know how she would.  Soon after she called me and we talked some more.  It was good to hear her voice and I'm thankful that God gave me the words to help my mom feel better.  Like I said I think each of us are in a delicate spot but I know that God will be there for each of us in how he needs to be and we all will keep moving forward and out of this "delicate spot" that we all seem to be at right now.

I continue to be so grateful to the Lord for all he is and does in my life......

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