Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Watching him go out the door

This morning I watched Kyle walk to his car to get ready to leave for school.  I loved sitting there with my coffee in my hands looking out the window with the sky heavy with clouds from the rain last night.

Its the perfect picture of Fall, brown, red and yellow leaves all scattered on the damp ground, the sky grey, the air cool with a handsome young man walking out to his car.  A tall young man with his new long sleeve shirt with nice bold colors of red, white and blue along with a pair of his new jeans casually walking out with his backpack in one hand and coffee in the other.

I watched him put his things in his car, getting things in their place before he got into the drivers seat and off he went to school.

Its one of those moments where you feel the love from every part of you and you think back to when he was a little boy and how life is going for him and how you want the best for him.  Just to be perfect.....

But life isn't that way....perfect...well maybe perfectly crazy or better, perfectly broken.  Yes I like the sound of that perfectly broken and it gives room for God to come into those broken parts perfectly to work out what he needs to do.

And I pray that for my son, that God will go in between that perfect brokeness and grab hold of my son and work a perfect plan, His perfect plan for my son's life.  I know it won't be easy and there will be ups and downs but it will be His plan with His purpose.

Kyle is 16 years old and has made some mistakes that he will have to get through to move further into God's perfect plan for his life and the path will be rocky.  As a parent that rocky path is hard to travel with him, but its not hard when you walk it with Him.

I continue to sit and look out the window.  Kyle has been gone for a few minutes but I stare out onto the sidewalk with tons of yellow leaves all over the wet side walk......

Silently sending a pray to the Lord asking him to continue to guide me, give me wisdom and strength to be the parent each of my kids need at the time in every situation we find ourselves in together in this life at His perfect time with His love and strength in the perfect broken place.

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