Friday, January 14, 2011

A lost but now found frienship

I'm sitting here wishing I was in El Paso right now.  I would be able to get the box down from the shelf to browse through it.  Since I have moved here to Flagstaff almost 2 years ago, I still do not have all of my stuff here.  Its stuff like pictures of the kids when they were babies, photo albums, old journals, and my high school stuff.  I'm really wanting to look through my high school year books, at old cards and the scrapbook I made.  I hope the next trip my mom or dad makes here to visit that they will bring me those boxes.

I want to drift back into the past some just to job some memories.  A good friend of mine from junior high came back into my life.  We got back in touch with each other maybe a year ago.  It started with a phone call, then on face-book.  For some reason we haven't really re-connected during this time other than quick highlights of each others lives to get us sort of current.  We may occasionally make comments on each others status on face book but sadly that has really been about it.

It's God's timing not ours and he has opened the door to each other again.  My friend and I have shared some of our thoughts with each other that had been kept from the other for so long.  By doing that we had created an empty void between us.

I'm frustrated because I can't glimpse back through pages in front of me, all I have is what is in my head of her and us.  I'm thinking that is probably enough and how it should be for now.  Since this is the moment now and the its the present that stands before us now.  I need to just start with this moment and move forward in our lost but now found friendship.

I'm thankful Lord that you have blessed us with a second opportunity with the gift of friendship.  I'm looking forward to remembering my friend.  I'm excited to get started on getting to know who she is now.

I do ask you Lord to be with us both as we meet again to treat each other with tenderness, patience, kindness, forgiveness, and love.

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