Saturday, January 1, 2011

The Author & Ruler of My Life

The Author & Ruler of My Life

Jesus is the author of my faith.

God is the Ruler of my life.

This is what the Sovereign Lord, the Holy One of Israel, says: “In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength.”
-Isaiah 30:15 NIV

God is sovereign so completely sovereign.  He controls everything.  Not just some things…everything.  Plain and simple: He rules.

Knowing this brings such peace that goes deep within my soul as I truly realize that I am not in charge of my life.  God is in charge.  I don’t have the power to orchestrate the events in my life any more than I have the power to make the moon rise and shine brightly above us in the night sky. 

The one thing I can do is join God, join God in my life. And in this joint effort, I will seek His guidance and wisdom.  I recognize that I need to dutifully live my days according to the practical principles that God the ruler of my life has laid out for me. 

I will never completely understand His sovereignty, it will always be a mystery for me to leave unsolved.  That is alright since the curiosity of  it feeds my spirit  bringing peace and strength to me.  Another reason that it’s all good, is because I have faith in him.  After all his son is the author of my faith.  Faith is trusting God to give us what we can’t produce apart from him.  I know I have experienced moments that I know it was not in my strength that I did what I did or found the words to say what was said.

The Ruler of my life has a good track record.  He knows more than I do.  He is creative and powerful.  He knows my name.  He knows my purpose in this life.  He is my helper.  He is my fighter.  He is my shoulder to cry on.  He is my hand to reach out to.  He is my heart that loves me.  He is my teacher that helps me to love others. He is my guide that guides me onto the right path.   He knows how to lead me.  He knows my life, he is the one with the plan.

So yes, I do kneel before the Ruler of Life.  He gave up everything just to save me and be the author of my life.   

Why would I want it any other way?  Why would I dare to take it on by myself?  The thought of doing all things on my own brings tears of frustration, a feeling of hopeless defeat and  an empty cold shriving feeling inside. I don't know about you but that doesn't sound very appealing.  It doesn't offer rest to start again.  Doing it my way would be harder than what it would need to be, so again I say no to that thought.  I’m so thankful so……… its so hard to find the right words to truly describe or express the emotion that is stirred inside me when I think of who is the Ruler of my Life and how good that makes me feel.

I raise my hands up high in praise and worship to the author & ruler of my life.  I smile and feel the warmth in my soul just knowing......
all I can do is take a deep breathe in and let out a big sigh of gratefulness.

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