Wednesday, May 12, 2010


I woke up this morning and looked over at my husband and his dog laying close to his chest sleeping soundly. I reached for my phone to see what time it was and laid there a few minutes more. I think I drifted off some since I sort of jumped when the phone rang ( it was still in my hand) . It was my mom, my little mommy (yes I’m 37 years old today and I still call her my mommy) wishing me a bright and cheerful happy birthday. Right after her call my phone “ding dong” and it was a text from my brother wishing me a happy birthday. Then my half awake husband rolled over and kissed me good morning and said happy birthday to me. On that note I decided it was time to get up and get in the shower to and move forward with the day.

Then I start the going back and forth and shake the kids up to wake them up. Sara gets up and comes to our room to use the bathroom since her brother is in the shower. She gets on the bed to greet Micah and Cassie (the dog) and I said what about me and then she remembered it was my birthday so she jumps over and hops in my arms and puts her arms around me to squeeze my neck really hard and gives me kisses.

I head into the girls room for the third time and this time I was greeted with Karlee still laying in bed but with her arms wide open and a big beaming smile on her face saying happy birthday mom. I couldn’t help but smile and laugh as I bent down to hug her and then got after her gently about getting her booty up and out of bed.

I open the door to leave the girls room and found my son Kyle standing there with a big smile on his face saying happy birthday mom and then wraps his arms around me.

The kids are out the door and off to school and Micah takes me to breakfast. While eating my dad calls me and yes I still call him daddy. He calls to wish me lots of birthday wishes too. I finish up my nice quite time with Micah and head over to meet up with a friend to chat the morning away. (and we really did talk the morning away.) I was greeted with a little bag of homemade oatmeal raisin cookies.

By now the day is only half over and the kids are almost out of school for the day and the evening will get busy. Homework will need to get done, dinner made and chores done all before heading off to Kyle’s baseball game that is from 7:30 to 9:30.

But no matter what happens the rest of the day this day has already been filled with so many wonderful blessings that it doesn’t matter what will be around the corner the rest of the day. I’m so thankful for Jesus in my life he has blessed me over these 37 years of my life despite the obstacles that were placed in my past there has been so much more growth and changes and blessings that has help overcome anything negative that I may have had to learn from over these years that I’m pleased with how my life has turned out. I look forward to this next year. I can’t wait to see what is in store for me and my family.

Thank you Jesus I wouldn’t be here celebrating my 37 years of life without you.

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