Sunday, April 4, 2010


I decided that the next few writings would be on Love, Peace, Faith and Hope so I sat thinking about different things in my life that could express each of those. I pulled out something I wrote back in August on a trip with my oldest daughter.

On the ground one minute and in the air the next...

I boarded an airplane today for the first time in several years. I've been on a plane a few times but not enough to decide if I really like to fly or not. My daughter and I had to go on a trip together to Texas. I was nervous about getting on a plane after so long but my daughter has never flown before. I showed a very calm appearance on the outside so my daughter could have good feelings about getting on the plane since she was also a little nervous.

We find our seats, she sits by the window. We are one row from the wing. She is very quite (me too). We were in the air and she was amazed at being in the sky. She took pictures from the air. She thought going through the clouds was cool.

I was into watching her reactions and enjoyed watching her enjoy the experience of being in the air that I didn't seem to care I was in a plane way up in the sky. Soon she got her book out to read for a while and I sat quietly for a few moments before I got my book out too.

A thought came to me ...."wow this is very calming and soothing being in the air" I smiled and then started reading my book until we arrived to our destination.

Peacefulness is an inner sense of calm. A peaceful heart is one that is free from worry and trouble. It's looking at things quietly to more clearly understand them and come up with creative solutions. It is learning to live in the moment. True peace I think happens when we accept what the moment is at hand. After the acceptance is met then there is an inner calm in the moment and that is peace. (when you can breathe with easy and smile with the warm feeling in your heart)

Be happy in the moment--that's enough each moment is all we need--not more. Mother Teresa

1 Corinthians 14:33 For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace.

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