My girls caught a ride home with a friend. My oldest daughter doesn't seem to exist without her good friend right now and so she walked in with both my girls. They all say "hi mom". I greet them and then my youngest daughter started to tell me about how awful her day was. My daughter and her friend rush upstairs to do homework so they can go to the park. They come down stairs to fix a snack and sit at the table to eat it. I"m sitting at the table too doing things on the computer.
My daughter's friend starts off by asking "so what are you all going to do for Easter?" I said not much. I went on to say that I think the kids are too old for egg hunts and things so I thought our focus would be more on spending time with each other. My oldest daughter turns to her friend and rolls her eyes and says "see I told you". She continued to say that I'm not fun anymore and that if I was fun again then she would fun again too. She also said that she told her friend that she knew that I probably wouldn't do Easter baskets this year or anything like I would do in the past. I told her that things are different and yes there are some changes but they weren't bad. I also told her that we were a bigger family now and we need to save money in areas that we can and so I was going to just get maybe their favorite candy bar or something. She rolled her eyes again.
I didn't say much after that and neither did she, in fact she said whatever and she and her friend went upstairs for a bit.
It's interesting how she thinks, only seeing a small portion of the big picture. Its ironic that we had such a conversation on today being Good Friday and all. I was getting irritated at her "me" attitude. Then I realized that she probably didn't know what Good Friday meant or even the real meaning of Easter.
There are changes. Her step dad and I are two different people that are trying to blend everyone together. We each have lead a life by ourselves with our children walking on different paths. Now we need to combine for the greater of all involved. I guess from a child's perspective that might not bring them happiness on the spot or may seem unfair.
So then my daughter's friend asks what does Good Friday mean. I explained then that lead into how holidays have taken on a worldly selfish "me me" attitude and that it get away from Christ. They both sat there and looked as though it started to make sense to them.
Dear Lord please help me be an example of your perspective "God's perspective" so that I may live and do from your perspective to be an example for my children. Let the light of "God's perspective shine so bright that its blinding to my children. Let it sound out loudly so that their ears ring. Let it flow out of their mouths like running water out of a faucet. Amen
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