One definition of Faith is having a firm belief in something for which there is no proof, complete trust.
Faith is being willing to trust God, turning my hopes and problems over to Him and trusting in His wisdom and knowing that everything will turn out for the best.
There are so many little irritations and frustrations in life but they are small and not important. Even the annoying ex-changes with people throughout the day, the runny late moments, worry about getting things done.....It does not have to be major to have faith. Have faith in little and big things knowing they will always turn out. Maybe not in my way. I may not understand the Lord's plan but I can trust Him.
I recall a prayer that I learned when I was twelve when my dad went through re-hab for alcoholism. “ God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.”
I can think of several situations where all I could do was to have faith.
1) Several years ago I was in a car accident in Albuquerque NM. I knew the car would hit me and I had no place to go but have the car crash into me and send me spinning out of control. I had to ride it out and pray that my children and I would be alright. Aside from fracturing my knee cap and the kids had a few minor bumps and scratches we were alright.
2) The moment that my ex-husband and I split apart again and this time he was a good distance away. Not close enough to be tempted to fall back on. I had to stand on my own with my decision made and make a fresh start with my three children. I wasn't sure how I was going to take care of us all after being at home for a year babysitting in the home. We lived in a small town and jobs were not easy to find and it took more than one to make things happen. But you know what it was alright. I was alright and my children were alright too.
3) The time when one of a mother's worst nightmares could come true and hurt her daughter and affect her whole family. When I stood and soon began to feel my body slump and go numb and my heart crumble as I came to the realization of the situation. Not wanting to even think of confirming the thoughts in my head and the idea of what all had to be done and dealt with to get my daughter and I through what was yet to come. Once again as much as I hated each moment for so many months we all kept going and going and things were worked out and now are in the past. Faith pulled us all through that and we are thankful for the many blessings that came out of it all in the end.
4) It’s been almost 9 months now since I took a giant leap of Faith and left a little area of TX that I grew quite fond of over the last two years despite the ups and downs that were gone through while living there. I relocated and started a whole new life with my children. I left what I learned was my safe haven. I'm now exploring a new life, a new marriage, a new relationship to nurture with my step son, a new place. I left so many wonderful people that were there for me and my children. The friends I had there could never be replaced. I left all the warm fuzziness behind unsure of the next step but feeling lead to make the change. To keep moving forward knowing eventually things would work out and that there is a reason and purpose behind it as the journey of faith continues. The kids and I are doing quite well and we are happy with our new start.
The roads that you or I travel on are not always easy, nor are they meant to be. I try to remind myself not to look back with dread or regret and to know that it is all in God’s plan. We all need something to hang on to and I choose to have faith.
Faith makes all things possible.
A quote I came across one day:
"When you have come to the edge of all light that you know and are about to drop off into the darkness of the unknown, Faith is knowing one of two things will happen: There will be something solid to stand on or you will be taught to fly."
So I remind myself and encourage you as my friend to take that giant leap of faith it will always work out for our good.
Matthew 17:20
"Because of your faith, " He told them. "For I assure you: If you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will tell this mountain, "Move from here to there, and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.