Monday, March 8, 2010

In loving memory....

I started my day like any other day of the week, waking up the kids and getting them out the door on their way to school. I continued about the day doing things that needed to be done around the house but in the background were thoughts of my grandmother. Last year on this day she died peacefully in her sleep. The kids and I had just gotten into town the night before and we got up to start our day with my mom going to Walmart. Our plan was to do some shopping then head over to my grandmother's house to visit with her. My mom and I were standing in an aisle looking at things when my phone rang and it was my dad. His voice sounded strange, he asked for my mom and I knew something was wrong. She finished talking to my dad and said that we had to leave now. She pulled me off to the side and told me that my dad went to check on my grandmother and found that she had peacefully drifted off to heaven.

So in memory of her it is appropriate that I start off my new blog with a prayer that I found and read at her funeral last year. This is the perfect intro to start off with the many changes that have gone on in my life to bring me to this point to start sharing with you the many blessings that I am very thankful to have received.


Bless me with the ability of a butterfly to endure the changes that will happen to me in my lifetimes.

Help me to accept these changes with a positive and loving attitude.

Bless me with the beauty of a butterfly to allow me to reflect the colors of my soul, being and individuality,

and to look for these things in others.

Bless me with the ability of a butterfly to create and instill the feeling of wonder, passion, and excitement towards all of your living creatures.

Bless me with the butterflies’ ability to pollinate your flowers, so that I may cultivate your human garden with love and compassion.

Last, but not least, Lord

Bless me with the grace of ascension, so that I may ascent into your glorious heaven like a rising butterfly,

when my journey here on earth is complete.


(J. Dilts/1999)

Nana I love you

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