Dare to Love….Its okay love is the way to go
I found this quote one day and I really like it. “Live it with faith, share it with hope, demonstrate it with love.” Love is really the greatest gift you can give “spread it, share it, be it, where you are and yours will be a light that can truly light the world.”
“treat everyone with love, kindness and patience-be grateful you will be blessed.”
The power of love will take you much farther than_______ (you can fill in the blank) No matter ones views on love, love is the souls “food” and everyone needs love.
“Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails.” 1 Corinthian 13: 7-8
Do the opposite of what your “enemy” would expect—love them! You know the saying “kill him with kindness” well what about “kill him with love“. Love is the most rewarding, peaceful feeling that you can have. It leads you to have patience, kindness, trust, compassion, understanding, slow to respond negative and forgiveness.
Love is simple its a choice you choose to do. Love doesn’t hurt. Love helps you to grow and learn and gives you strength. If you fear love and stop loving you are only hurting yourself. Love leads to so many joys –a special mate, children, friendships and other relationships.
Love leads to lessons in life…..you can learn from a negative situation and still love. We all have had ups and downs with love. We are crushed when something bad happens. We are happy when things all work out. But no matter the up or the down we need to hold strong to the love and know that it’s all good, it all works as it should.
We survive through the down moment. We do learn something to take out of the down moment. We rejoice in the good and we move on. What situation can you think of in your life?
I can think of a few—My parents divorced when I was in my twenties. They get along better than they did before-I have my parents still and I love them. I also have another person to know and love in my life and that is my step dad.
I divorced back in 2006 and things haven’t been very smooth. But I know I can do anything I put my mind too. I have three beautiful children to care for and love. I loved my ex-husband to marry and start a family. I love him now despite the bumps. If it wasn’t for that love I would not have my three beautiful children today.
I was in a relationship last August, thought it was the best. My answer to my prayer so to speak. I fell hard in love and trusted completely. He ended up turning my world upside down. I never would have guessed that my children and family and I would have to endure such an event. But we made it through it. There were lessons learned too. But through it all I had love then and I still have love now.
Will I repeat the love and trust in others…despite the up moments and the down moments…Yes without a doubt.
LOVE. DARE TO LOVE...it’s okay
love is the way to go
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