Some say Love isn’t magic!
I ask why not?
If love is not magic then how can you explain what love does?
Magical: Adjectives
supernatural, wonderful, marvelous, unimaginable, astonishing, appealing, magnificent, delightful, divine, glorious, miraculous
What I can remember, at times love works in ways that left me stunned, wondering what just happened.
What I’ve experienced, love has transformed so many ugly things into beauty.
It always seems to make the most out of a not so good moment,
bringing the absolute best out of the darkest situation.
What I’ve noticed, love is always giving even when I’ve stopped receiving.
What I learned, love has been the only answer to seek in the most confusing of times.
Love is the only explanation that sums it all up.
What I have observed, love is the only language that is understood no matter what is being said in a foreign tongue.
It’s the only language that all can connect to despite the differences in front of them.
The last time I checked I have yet to see “love” in the stores to purchase so that means to me that it is priceless and free.
What I have noticed, it is the easiest gift to give when you have nothing else to offer and you never need wrapping paper.
When I feel and witness the glow of love it sends sweetness into the air and glows warm and shines happiness all around, that most that walk by can feel and get an idea of what is going on around them.
So I think with all that said, love is sort of mysterious and very magical.
What do you think?
It’s okay for love to be mysterious and magical. We are not suppose to understand it. We are suppose to enjoy it, and be thankful for it, and share it. But most of all we are to spread it around. Love does good things. God is love. God loves us and he did send his only son for us.
Why wouldn’t we want to call love magic. God’s love is magical. It surrounds us in nature. It mingles in all around us through different people from different places of the world. God is responsible for that glowing warm flutter. We do not find it easy to love at times but eventually we do end up loving others when we don’t understand. God’s work is amazing.
So can love be magical?
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