Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Love's Sweetness

Love’s Sweetness……

it places smiles upon frowning faces

it supplies an abundance of joyous laughter

it comforts when you need a hug

it heals when you feel broken

it is tough when you need to learn

it changes you for the better when you need a new direction

it forgives

it grows beyond anything we can see, touch or hold

it shines new light of understanding on the subject at hand

it confronts with care and gentleness

it sends a kind and mindful perspective on your daily dealings in life

it straightens your path when it becomes crooked

it sparkles with truth

it never leaves

it pushes and nudges you so you always know the sweetness is there to be found

it is easy to reach out to

it is warm and tender to always cherish

it always brings you right back to its sweetness


Thank you Jesus for such a sweet everlasting gift, because of this gift we can share this wonderful sweetness with others as you surround your sweet sweet love around us. Thank you

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