Sunday, October 3, 2021

Last Weekend in September

Last Saturday Ben and I had the house to ourselves until later on Sunday.  Susan went to Gallup to help her sister go through their mother's things.  Ben and I enjoy out time together all the time but when there is a chance that its just him and I we really find ways to enjoy it and make it memorable. We don't always do much but its just the fact we are together and taking time to spend with each other. 

We said we were tired and decide that we would go take a nap, it was mid-morning why not.  Ben on Casa Blanca.  It warmed my heart and made it the perfect movie to lay down and cuddle and take a nap too.

The next day, Sunday I ended up fighting a cold.  My throat started hurting on Saturday afternoon and Sunday I was miserable and had a fever too.  I wanted to fight it and was determined to get rid of it in one day!  I slept on and off all day long.

Monday was a tough day at work but I got through it.  Tuesday after work I found myself at Safeway after work and I stood there looking at the items on the belt and decided it was an odd combination and took a pic of this quietly.  

The cold meds was for me so that I could sleep and rest at night.  The pickles was for me and Susan.  There were two bread and butter pickle packs, she loves that kind.  I hadn't been drinking enough water since my throat had been hurting so I was dealing with getting cramps in my toes.

I had heard that drinking pickle juice would help, I didn't want to get a cramp in my foot while driving home so I wanted to try it out.

The whiskey was for Benjamin.

The pickle juice worked!!

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