Monday, July 12, 2021

July Visit to Mom's


July 9th, my daddy's birthday.  He would have been 71 years old.  I miss him a ton. Karlee, Natalie, Sara and Abbey got together for a little pizza party in honor of their papa. 

July 10th, I love waking up in the extra bedroom at my mom's.  I love the window, and the feeling I feel when I first wake up.  I feel refreshed and ready for the day.

I always seem to pick my mom's sunflower cup to use when I go visit her at her house.

Mom and Larry have been working hard on their yard, growing new grass.  Its looking really good.

Larry relaxing in the morning.

Mom and I trying the Amber Riesling that I found.

While we were waiting to try out a place we had never been to for dinner their were 3 hummingbirds I was only able to catch one of them, they move so fast.
(We ended up leaving and not eating there because they wait was going to be really long)

So we ended up a favorite, Averys.  Its a bar and a BBQ- place.  Yummy food!  My favorite are the BQ-Rolls and the sweet potato fries.

And of course mom and I enjoyed a wine & paint night both Friday and Saturday night.

It was a good weekend.  It was too short and I miss my mom already but there is so much to do before I start my new job.  Next weekend Ben and I will go to Phoenix to visit Karlee and Sara.  We will get to see Karlee's and Nat's new apartment and spend some time with all of them.

Next Monday I start my new job!

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