Friday, January 5, 2018

Christmas Time

I'm a little behind on posting, I've written in a notebook lately and just haven't gotten to post lately so they next few postings will be to catch up on things.

I wrote this on December 22, 2017

growing up was always a happy time

Over the years I always did my best no matter what
was or wasn't going on at the time, a little or a lot --
always tried to make sure Christmas time
was a happy time for my kids.

Over the last couple of years my kids have made 
sure it was a happy time for me.  It's funny how things can switch for a moment or two.

Its a time of bringing us together as a family.
Sharing moments together to make happy
memories for the season.

Christmas happiness
short, needed, begin again
until the next Christmas.

Anyways those were some thoughts that were in my head while I was sitting at work on a slow afternoon prior to Christmas, just thought I'd share.

The next one that will post is a reflection of 2017.

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