Friday, June 13, 2014

My Drifting Thoughts

I sit here in the church office this afternoon.  In the background is the sound of guitar, drums and a couple of voices practicing worship music for Sunday.  I enjoy music, it is one way I worship the Lord.  I love it when the right song is played just when I need it at that moment. It is also one way that He can communicate to me.  Music has always had a way to tug at my heart, bring a tear forward, a thought to ponder, a chance to say I'm sorry, please forgive me, or a thankful smile of joy.  Music can be so uplifting when you need it to be and then at other times it can be the perfect moment of healing.  I'm thankful for all the wonderful voices and talented people we have here at church.

Shadows of cars go by on the wall behind the computer screen.  People going here and there, busy on this Friday afternoon.  The beautiful green leaves and colorful flowers out front are dancing around as the wind blows them to and fro.  I wonder what thoughts are floating around out there in the world as people drive to their destinations.....I pray that they know the Lord or will be lead to the Lord by someone in their life.

My thoughts wander off to "what are the kids doing at home, have they done their chores, have they walked the dog?"  What will I cook for dinner tonight?  I've cooked all week, maybe we can just do left overs tonight.

I'm really enjoying the rhythnm of the blowing trees in the background, with musically chirping birds sharing their song, as I sit here in front of the computer, in the church offiice......

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