Friday, May 30, 2014

Kids & Things

Having the Bathroom tiled and redone

Life has been busy lately, but its all been good.  I have kept busy with little jobs here and there earning a little money.  I will start helping more at an Assiting Living Home more as an activity cordinator.  I'm excited about that!  Another year of school is done, time for the summer now.  I can't belive how quickly time goes by and how fast the kids have grown.  I love them so much!  Dillon is doing good, he has been working with his dad and going to AA meetings and looking for a job.  As the kids are getting older their summer is filling up with school sports and things so we won't go to El Paso this summer.  My parents will come meet up with us in Wickenburg at my Uncle's for a visit at the end of July.  God continues to bless me with many joys and blessings each day with my family.  So very grateful!
Karlee is now a junior and Kyle is now a freshman
Living Room can be used for  repairing 
Sara is moving on to middle school!

Enjoyed a day of fun in the sun as a family at Lake Pleasant
Kyle is now a Tenderfoot!

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