Its amazing how quickly our bodies begin to heal. It's only been a week and signs of healing are there. I was thrilled to get the cathered removed on Wed. morning. That made such a difference in how I began to feel and move around. Yesterday I went to my pre-op appointment, and it went well. I go back in three weeks. I'm suppose to continue to take things easy, rest and no lifting more than 10lbs and no reaching high above my head, no driving for another week.
Taking it easy isn't the issue right now, since I do get tired after awhile easily. I've spent the last couple of days sitting at the table making cards to fill up our box again for church. I'm enjoying not being on a timed schedule of things. It's nice to get up and enjoy my comfy yoga pants and a sweatshirt, it helps set the tone of resting for the day without pressure of doing so much or running around. It's been an opportunity to get the kids to do a little more around the house since I can't do so much. (not quite done without grumbling) As much as Micah isn't liking all the driving around with picking up the kids and getting them where they need to be, I'm really really enjoying the break. I am, I have to be honest. Its sort of nice to see Micah deal with it, he grumbles a little but he really is doing great with it all. I know Micah is so ready for me to start driving again.....for sure by the end of next week. He has been supportive in all of it, and I'm thankful.
All the meals that have been provided has been such a blessing. It's been nice to rest knowing that I don't have to take care of dinner. The food has been good. I'm so thankful for the extra help. I have taken the time to think of what I will be making for dinner next week and look forward to getting back in the groove of cooking meals again for my family.
I did enjoy bible study on Tuesday. A sweet friend of mine picked me up. I love going and being around the ladies. I was cold and tired but I was blessed by going. Friends where would I be without them. I also had a very dear friend of mine take me yesterday to my doctor's visit. It's always nice to have a chance to talk with her and allow her to speak into my life.
The week is over and the weekend is on the horizon, the house will be full and busy but hopefully peaceful and full of joy. Thank you Lord for this week and the many blessings that came with it.
Sometimes we just have to slow down and let others be a blessing to us. I'm glad you're on the mend and people are taking care of things while you regroup. (HUGS)