Monday, April 30, 2012

Kyle & Baseball

Kyle has finally been able to play in a game.  His back seems to have healed and is back in the game, at least by our standards.   The doctor has not cleared him yet and Kyle was crushed but after talking with the nurse and the Physical Therapist assistant and research we have decided to let Kyle play.  I prayed about it for awhile and felt in my heart that Kyle was healed and ready to go.  Kyle hasn't had any pain at all.  We've asked him to continue to take it easy and to avoid skate boarding for awhile and do some back exercises.  The PT lady suggested that I could get a second opinion (she was puzzled by the doctor too) or take Kyle to at least one PT apt. and talk to the therapist and then have him check Kyle then approach the Doctor and have him cleared. So that is or plan.  Kyle has an apt. on Wed with a PT.  We understand that Doctors have to take the high road for protection of themselves and their line of work and the patient, being a little more critical and cautious but I believe that after praying about it all that God has healed Kyle.

Kyle was so excited to play in the game on Friday night.  It was an awesome game too, very intense.  At one point his team looked as though they would lose the game but an amazing turn around and determined ball players turned it around into a win.  The other team at one point has 18 and we had 9 by the end of the long game we had 24 and they had 20.

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