Monday, April 30, 2012

Our Historic Walk Down Town

Sara has a project that is due May 16th.  She has to do a photographic essay of Historical Buildings here in Flagstaff.  I got super excited to help her with this project since it involved being creative with pictures and picture taking.  Sunday afternoon we parked at the church and began our walk down town.  We took several pictures of buildings but along the way I couldn't help but stop and take some pictures of other views, like trees, flowers things like that.  At one point Sara scolded me gently and said "mom we need to be taking pictures of buildings"  I laughed and said that I was and that it would be alright if I took some other pictures too and sorted them out later when I put them on the computer.  Before too long she was getting into the idea of taking other pictures too not just for her project because she'd ask me to take a picture of her here or there, so we made a little photo shoot out of it all too.  I enjoyed walking around with her, listening to her constant little chatter and questions and being silly too.  She is such a ray of sunshine and happiness.

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