Wednesday, May 2, 2012

In everything there is a blessing

The other day a friend of mine called me and asked if I would want to help with a project that they were going to put together to take over to Poland in the summer for a marriage conference.  She thought of me and the cards I like to make and thought it would something that they would want to include in their bags that they were making.  I said sure.  So she gave my number to a woman from the church that was working on these bags.  At first I thought okay sure I can help put something to gather, no big deal for their marriage thing.  I've been in a middle of a storm lately when she had called so my reaction to the word marriage was a little nonchalant.

This morning I met with the woman in charge of getting things gathered up for these bags they will be putting together in Poland.  We met for coffee at a local busy coffee shop.  It was in the middle of the "life" that was going around us that we talked and planned and I became inspired.  Something inside of me clicked and I got excited and wanted to go home and start on the project. 

I had seen this woman between services at church but never met her before.  We shared our testimonies with each other and things about ourselves.  At one point I sat and listened to her about her struggles with her husband and what she has been working on and the Holy Spirit was there, whispering in my ear, I knew then that there was a blessing in this meeting.  The thought popped in my head about my friend that help set this up...."okay you did it again".  It continues to amaze me how God orchestrates things in our lives, how works out a situation or a conversation to have a perfect spot in your life at the moment its needed.

I walked a way with a little insight from a new friend that I could use in my storm of life right now and with excitement to work on putting together little things to remind other married couples about how much God loves them and how much Christ is needed to be right in the middle of their marriage. 

I also realize now that while I work on this project, I've set up a perfect background for God to come work in my heart.

Thank you Lord
Thank you for my dear friend
Thank you for my new friend and our conversation
Thank you for the opportunity to use my creativity in this project to inspire others to put you at the center of their marriage

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