Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Weekends & More

Sara watching Micah waiting for a fish to clean

tippy toes

Priceless expression!

ok I think she got over the gross part of it all since she was soon playing with the fish and smiling

This past weekend was busy.  Ever since it started getting warmer and the season of softball and baseball started we find ourselves running in several directions.  Micah has gone crazy with fishing lately.  He went last week on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, brought home fish all three nights.

 Friday found Micah and Sara fishing at Blue Ridge, Dillon at a sleep over, Karlee on her way to Paige for a choir trip, and Kyle relaxing.

Saturday, Sara had a game, Kyle team pictures, Dillon & Micah and a friend went to the Verde River to fish, and Karlee still out of town (arriving later that evening).  After Sara's game she went to friends house for a sleep over. Kyle had a friend over for a little while then he spent the rest of the afternoon getting sun burned at the skate park with his friends. I had a terrible headache and laid down telling myself for only a little bit...well I guess with the house empty and quite....let's just say I woke up 2 hours later without a headache and feeling very rested.

Sunday went to church.  I woke up in a very good mood with a happy heart.  I noticed that my family didn't share in this with me, they were irritated but that was alright.  We hadn't gone to church the last two Sundays and so I was excited that we were going.  Afterwards we stayed for the church BBQ and then went home to relax. 

We ended our Sunday evening with a very yummy dinner of grilled fish that Micah & Dillon had caught on Saturday.

All in all with all the running around and everyone scattered at times it was a relaxing weekend.  It was filled with many little things that brought a little joy and peace to our weekend.

Moments of kids getting along, talking nice to each other, listening, my husband holding my hand in church.....

Thank you Lord for the many blessings that you give my family.  Thank you for showing me these blessings in moments when I can't see them.

Kyle doesn't like taking pictures.  I always have to try to catch him when he's not looking.

He says he hates pictures because he doesn't think he knows how to smile.  I think he's smiling just fine.

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