Tuesday, April 24, 2012

What's next?

Over the last few days as Dillon's 16th birthday approached I started to...ugh I'm not sure what words to put together but basically I've really started to think about the next stage of life that the oldest kids in the house will start going thru.  Dillon is 16 now and Karlee is 14, she'll be 15 in September.  I sort of feel like all my thoughts are spinning around me.  In this next phase there will be driving, more responsibility, trust, girlfriends/boyfriends, letting go and trusting God.  I think that is the hardest part that I will struggle with.  Today in bible study things sort of clicked again for me and I was soon comforted knowing that I'm not in this alone.  My heavenly father knows the plan and will work out all the little details.

For example my husband and I are really not liking some of the things we have learned that Dillon's girlfriend does.  But aside from talking to Dillon and letting him know our concerns and leading him back to the cross there is nothing more we can do except let it go and let God.

Karlee has decided that she doesn't want to go to counseling anymore.  She had came to us and wanted to go so we got her started.  I started to worry the moment she told me and I saw how irritated and angry she got when I asked her to give it another try.  Maybe by letting this idea of her talking to someone else will open the door for her to go to the Lord and strengthen her faith and walk towards Christ. 

I have fallen in the trap of wanting to control the things that go on in their lives and it hasn't worked and all I do is get upset and stressed out.  Lord I'm sorry for not fully trusting you, not completely letting go and giving it all to you.  As I journey into the "what's next" phase with my teens in the house help me to go to you daily with my concerns and worries and to know that you've got it covered, all worked out to your plan.

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